Every single semester has its tale to tell. Every new group assignment tells us a whole new story, one that is known to many as the game of fighting for their group members. This is the time when we see the true colours of our friends, our course mates the very person sitting next to you.
In this game of fighting, some prevail yet others failed. We see the winners smiling triumphantly while the losers weep, slowly gaining back their confidence in socializing again. I think I know human well. Yet, I have not seen the best... or the worst a human can be. For God's sake, we are young adults, rational, mature young adults. Don't you guys think its childish to engage in such game of fighting, not for objects... but for human.
Its sad to see that these selfish yet immature people fail to see that we humans, have values and we are not objects. We are living creatures, we have brains to think, we have a heart/conscience that feels what's right and what's wrong and most importantly, we humans have emotions. A simple procedure of finding group members for assignment turns out to be a cruel, endless mind game. We have debating, we have negotiation... worst we have trading and compromising. WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE NONSENSES? We hear idiotic people saying "I will only take A if you take B". Why are there such question? No one has to take A nor B. A and B can find their own group if they are not choosy.
But yet again, we have to give such people the benefit of the doubt. Why are people avoiding A and B yet certain individuals are so "popular". I think it's time for A and B to think deeply and reassess themselves. Did they contribute in their previous assignment? If the answer is YES, and people are avoiding you, then come to me. I am more than willing to accept a hardworking member.
Talking about this shameful game of fighting in college, we also fail to see that those who actually suffer are those that are in between. Those who wants to leave yet they are tied up. Those who wants to speak up yet afraid of what they say might only make themselves an outcast. Enough guys. Please... stop this as soon as possible. You are just gonna make yourself the biggest joke in college fighting over nerds and pushing aside those who are not so ready to contribute.
ONE LAST THING TO SAY, at least you guys are lucky. You are given a chance to choose your group members. Back there, in the outside world... LEAVE if you can't cooperate or work together. YOU DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH... so grow up.
In this game of fighting, some prevail yet others failed. We see the winners smiling triumphantly while the losers weep, slowly gaining back their confidence in socializing again. I think I know human well. Yet, I have not seen the best... or the worst a human can be. For God's sake, we are young adults, rational, mature young adults. Don't you guys think its childish to engage in such game of fighting, not for objects... but for human.
Its sad to see that these selfish yet immature people fail to see that we humans, have values and we are not objects. We are living creatures, we have brains to think, we have a heart/conscience that feels what's right and what's wrong and most importantly, we humans have emotions. A simple procedure of finding group members for assignment turns out to be a cruel, endless mind game. We have debating, we have negotiation... worst we have trading and compromising. WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE NONSENSES? We hear idiotic people saying "I will only take A if you take B". Why are there such question? No one has to take A nor B. A and B can find their own group if they are not choosy.
But yet again, we have to give such people the benefit of the doubt. Why are people avoiding A and B yet certain individuals are so "popular". I think it's time for A and B to think deeply and reassess themselves. Did they contribute in their previous assignment? If the answer is YES, and people are avoiding you, then come to me. I am more than willing to accept a hardworking member.
Talking about this shameful game of fighting in college, we also fail to see that those who actually suffer are those that are in between. Those who wants to leave yet they are tied up. Those who wants to speak up yet afraid of what they say might only make themselves an outcast. Enough guys. Please... stop this as soon as possible. You are just gonna make yourself the biggest joke in college fighting over nerds and pushing aside those who are not so ready to contribute.
ONE LAST THING TO SAY, at least you guys are lucky. You are given a chance to choose your group members. Back there, in the outside world... LEAVE if you can't cooperate or work together. YOU DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH... so grow up.
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